Managing Director, Transportation Systems

Erin Gonzales, PE, CFM

Erin is a professional engineer with over 21 years of transportation design experience in central Texas. Erin’s experience includes the planning and designing of new urban and rural roadways; the widening, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of existing urban and rural roadways; complex traffic control plans; hydrologic studies; and hydraulic design. Her responsibilities have involved all phases of roadway project development, including schematic designs, public involvement, right-of-way acquisitions, preparation of plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E), and construction management. She has completed projects with multiple approving agencies and compressed schedules. She has hydrologic modeling and hydraulic design experience, including watershed analysis and hydraulic modeling and design. She has prepared numerous drainage studies to ensure compliance with FEMA floodplain management regulations and is a Certified Floodplain Manager. Erin’s water quality design experience includes design, permitting, and coordination with TCEQ for projects under the Edwards Aquifer Protection Program regulations.