The SAWS Feathercreast project consisted of the construction of 9,477 linear feet of 24-inch sewer line and 460 feet of 12-inch sewer main for the relief of two lift stations in northeast San Antonio.
The project included 4,810 linear feet of 18-inch HDPE force main sanitary sewer, 52 linear feet of 12-inch gravity sanitary sewer pipeline, 22 manholes, pavement repairs and traffic control and construction of a new 4.81 MGD lift station and associated site improvements. Electrical improvements included generator, electrical building, SCADA, antenna tower, CPS Energy service line extension and P-switch pole relocation and overall site lighting.
Site improvements included site clearing and grading, asphalt paving, commercial driveway, eight-foot barbed wire fencing and swing gates, rock rip rap for erosion control and two-inch water service lines. The project provided many challenges to the contractor throughout due to the excavation depths of over 30 feet and tight working corridors.