BGE Announces September New Hires

BGE, Inc. welcomed 15 new employees in the month of September. These team members are already making a difference in various service lines and locations throughout the firm. Below is the complete list of employees who have recently joined our team.


Jeff Brown
Land/Site, Phoenix

Ainoa Corujo Segura
Planning + Landscape Architecture, Frisco

Anthony Giacovelli
Planning + Landscape Architecture, Atlanta

Olivia Keeton
Environmental Services, Houston

Michael Patschke
Site Development, North Austin

Jaime Reyna
Environmental Services, Houston

Seth Riley
Information Technology, Katy

John Rodriguez
Construction Management, Houston

Michael Schubert
Information Technology, Houston

Josh Scott
Construction Management, Houston

Harry Tate
Environmental Services, Houston

Cathy Thane
Transportation Systems, North Austin

Tyler Tocco-Conklin
Land/Site, Jacksonville, FL

Arturo Valtierra
Surveying, The Woodlands

Jerry Zhou
Public Works, Houston 

Click here to access BGE’s Career Portal to see what’s available and, possibly, join the team today.